Alpaquita Linux23How To
Using Ansible to Deploy Java Applications
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Alpaquita Linux: Using Ansible to deploy Java applications

1. Ansible overview

Ansible is a popular automation tool for managing IT systems.

This document demonstrates several Ansible features for deploying a Spring Boot Java application on an Alpaquita Linux instance.

  • A control node is a system on which Ansible is installed.

  • Managed nodes are systems that Ansible controls.

Ansible initiates SSH connections from the control node to each managed node and executes necessary configuration operations on the managed node. These operations may include file modifications, starting or stopping services, adding users, and much more.

Configuration operations are written to YAML files called playbooks. Each playbook contains an ordered list of plays. Each play contains an ordered list of tasks. Each task lists one or more Ansible modules that define what operations should be performed.

Modules are grouped into collections, and Ansible ships with a large number of collections and modules to cover many scenarios.

In addition to regular tasks, Ansible also provides handlers, that is tasks, which are executed only when notified.

In comparison to scripting, Ansible is essentially a state engine, and all its tasks are idempotent, so playbooks are written with a declarative approach.

For example, you can see a playbook with two plays below. Each contains only one task. The first one uses the module to ping systems in the java_servers group. The second one uses the ansible.builting.user module to declare that all systems in the same group should have a user with the name user and the comment A user.

- name: First play
  hosts: java_servers
    - name: Ping
- name: Second play
  hosts: java_servers
    - name: Add a user
        name: user
        comment: A user

Ansible changes the configuration of the managed node only if the user does not exist or its parameters are different from those set in the playbook, that is when the actual state of the node differs from the declared state in the playbook.

2. Prerequisites

Perform the following steps before you proceed to the next sections.

Set up two hosts: one is a control node and the other is a managed node.

Install Ansible on a control node that can be any UNIX-like system with Python 3.9 or newer installed.

On Fedora, you can install Ansible as follows:

sudo dnf install ansible

On Ubuntu, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install ansible

For other types of systems, refer to their documentation and the official Ansible installation guide.

For the other host, the managed node, we need an Alpaquita Linux instance. It can be any type of instances, such as bare-metal, virtual machine or an instance in a cloud as long as the following requirements are met:

  • A user with admin privileges is created;

  • SSH access is set up from the control node to this instance using admin user credentials;

  • A Python interpreter is installed.

Visit the Alpaquita download page and choose the appropriate version of Alpaquita.

In our example, the Alpaquita instance is a virtual machine deployed from an iso. During installation, we assigned the ip to it. The user with admin privileges is admin. A Python interpreter was installed by connecting to the instance via SSH as admin and executing the following command:

sudo apk add python3

You will be creating some files during the course of this document. We recommend keeping the files in one place. Create a separate directory on the control node, for example: alpaquita-ansible. All the next steps are performed on the control node inside this directory.

3. Preparing an inventory

The number of managed nodes can be quite large, and specifying them all in the command line is cumbersome. Ansible provides an inventory file that contains logically organized sets of nodes.

Let’s create an inventory file named inventory with the following content:

alpaquita-node ansible_host= ansible_user=admin


In this file we declare a group of nodes named alpaquita_nodes that contains a single node with the alpaquita-node id with information regarding its network address and the name of the user.

Section [alpaquita_nodes:vars] specifies variables for all members of the corresponding group.

Substitute the address and username with your values.

Now, after we have created an inventory, we can verify that Ansible connects to our Alpaquita instance by pinging all nodes in the alpaquita_nodes group.

ansible -i inventory -k -b -K -m ping alpaquita_nodes
  • -k instructs Ansible to ask for an SSH password;

  • -b option tells Ansible that the user we are connecting as is not root, and in order to gain admin privileges it should use sudo on the managed node, and the -K option makes Ansible ask for the sudo password.

4. Building a Java application

In this document we utilize the Spring PetClinic Sample Application Java application.

Build it on any machine with JDK Java 17 or later as follows:

git clone
cd spring-petclinic
./mvnw package

After the application is ready, save the generated target/*.jar file as spring-petclinic.jar in the alpaquita-ansible directory on the control node.

5. Installing Java

To make Java applications work on our Alpaquita instance, install a JRE.

Alpaquita repositories provide Liberica JRE, to install it create a playbook file named playbook.yaml with a single task.

- name: Alpaquita setup
  hosts: alpaquita_nodes
    - name: Install Liberica JRE
        name: liberica17-lite-jre-no-deps

In Alpaquita, packages are managed by APK, so you can use the community.general.apk Ansible module for package installation.

Execute the playbook playbook.yaml with the following command:

ansible-playbook -b -k -K -i inventory playbook.yaml

This command is the common command that we will use to execute the playbook later in this document.

6. Creating an application user

PetClinic is a web application. Running web applications under a user with admin privileges can lead to security issues, therefore we will create a special user and substitute our existing admin user with the newly created one.

Add the following tasks to playbook.yaml to create a new user:

- name: Install shadow package
    name: shadow
- name: Add petclinic group
    name: petclinic
- name: Add petclinic user
    name: petclinic
    group: petclinic
    comment: PetClinic
    home: /home/petclinic
    create_home: true
    shell: /sbin/nologin
    password: !

We install the shadow package, because it provides groupadd and useradd utilities that are not present in the default Alpaquita installation.

Setting the shell to /sbin/nologin and password to ! prohibits interactive login as the petclinic user.

Apply the configuration by executing the playbook. The petclinic user and group should be created in the system.

7. Deploying a Spring Boot application

Add the following task to the playbook to copy the application’s jar to the Alpaquita system:

- name: Copy jar
    src: spring-petclinic.jar
    dest: /home/petclinic
    owner: petclinic
    group: petclinic
    mode: 0444

After that, execute the playbook.

Now we can manually start the application. Login to the Alpaquita system as the admin user and execute the following command:

sudo -u petclinic java -jar /home/petclinic/spring-petclinic.jar

Now open the URL in a web browser to see that the application is actually running.

Stop the spring-petclinic.jar application before proceeding to the next section.

8. Converting the application into a service

Starting applications as described in the previous section can be useful sometimes, but you can automate such routine operations. Convert the manual startup operations into a service and let a service manager be responsible for starting and stopping our applications when needed.

Alpaquita uses OpenRC to manage services. Services are defined in shell script files.

See the OpenRC documentation and Alpaquita Linux: Setting up OpenRC init system for additional information on OpenRC services.

In this case, we create a definition of a new service in file.


name="PetClinic service"
command_args="-jar /home/petclinic/spring-petclinic.jar"

Update the playbook and add tasks for copying the service file to the correct location and ensuring that the new service is running and automatically starts on system boot.

- name: Copy the service file
    dest: /etc/init.d/petclinic
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0755
- name: Enable petclinic service
    name: petclinic
    enabled: true
    state: started

After executing the playbook, open in a browser to see that the application is running. If you reboot the Alpaquita instance, the application starts automatically.

9. Handling application updates

If you update spring-petclinic.jar with a new version and execute the playbook, the Copy jar task updates the configuration of the system by copying a new version of the file. However, the petclinic service is not restarted and runs the previous version of the application.

To update the .jar file, we introduce a new handler to restart the service and make the Copy jar task notify this handler after it has updated system configuration.

The updated playbook should look like the following (with irrelevant parts omitted):

- name: Alpaquita setup
  hosts: alpaquita_nodes
    - name: Copy jar
        src: spring-petclinic.jar
        dest: /home/petclinic
        - Restart petclinic service
    - name: Restart petclinic service
        name: petclinic
        state: restarted

To verify the update procedure, go to the directory with PetClinic sources, update the image of pets displayed on the application welcome page with a new picture, and build a new jar file.

curl \
  -o ./src/main/resources/static/resources/images/pets.png
git add src/main/resources/static/resources/images/pets.png
git commit -m 'Updated pets.png'
rm -rf target
./mvnw package

Copy the generated jar file to spring-petclinic.jar and execute the playbook. Ansible notifies that it is copying the new file and restarting the service. Refreshing the page in the browser also shows the new image (depending on your browser, it may be necessary to perform the "force refresh" of the page).

10. Conclusion

This document only briefly describes a few Ansible features, but it can help you set up a system for some simple use cases.

If there is a requirement to have a system with an identical configuration, all you need to do is set up a new system and add a new line with access information to inventory.

You can go further and also perform provisioning of new systems with Ansible. For example, the Ansible ships AWS, Azure and, GCP modules to work with cloud resources, therefore you can make Ansible create your virtual machines in the cloud and configure them the way you need.

For more information, refer to the official Ansible documentation.