
This document lists examples to solve common tasks with a REST Product Discovery API. For more technical details, please refer to the Product Discovery OpenApi (Swagger) specification:

OpenAPI Specification

Operating systems, a rchitectures and packages

The BellSoft product discovery API has several methods to discover lists of supported operating systems and architectures.


JSON response example:

["arm", "ppc", "sparc", "x86"]

Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/architectures

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/architectures

Operating systems

JSON response example:

["linux", "linux-musl", "macos", "solaris", "windows"]

Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/operating-systems

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/operating-systems

Discover the latest Liberica JDK release

In this example, we assume that the user knows all user-specific options: bitness, os, etc. So the list of releases will be very short.

JSON response example:

    "bitness": 64,
    "buildVersion": 10,
    "latestLTS": false,
    "os": "windows",
    "updateVersion": 1,
    "downloadUrl": "https://github.com/bell-sw/Liberica/releases/download/13.0.1+10/bellsoft-jdk13.0.1+10-windows-amd64.zip",
    "interimVersion": 0,
    "EOL": false,
    "latestInFeatureVersion": true,
    "LTS": false,
    "bundleType": "jdk",
    "version": "13.0.1+10",
    "featureVersion": 13,
    "packageType": "zip",
    "sha1": "a2143878d68f67e4cd079d52365b415451c4bf15",
    "FX": true,
    "filename": "bellsoft-jdk13.0.1+10-windows-amd64.zip",
    "installationType": "archive",
    "size": 275301289,
    "patchVersion": 0,
    "GA": true,
    "architecture": "x86",
    "latest": true

Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version-modifier=latest&bitness=64&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version-modifier=latest&bitness=64&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk

Discover the latest Liberica JDK LTS release

As in the previous example, we will limit the output using additional user-specific filters.

JSON response example:

    "bitness": 64,
    "buildVersion": 11,
    "latestLTS": true,
    "os": "windows",
    "updateVersion": 5,
    "downloadUrl": "https://github.com/bell-sw/Liberica/releases/download/11.0.5+11/bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip",
    "interimVersion": 0,
    "EOL": false,
    "latestInFeatureVersion": true,
    "LTS": true,
    "bundleType": "jdk",
    "version": "11.0.5+11",
    "featureVersion": 11,
    "packageType": "zip",
    "sha1": "9956658bdc98f844bacbf451b8e8f0622544b539",
    "FX": true,
    "filename": "bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip",
    "installationType": "archive",
    "size": 265347010,
    "patchVersion": 0,
    "GA": true,
    "architecture": "x86",
    "latest": false

Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version-modifier=latest&bitness=64&release-type=lts&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version-modifier=latest&bitness=64&release-type=lts&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk

Check if my Liberica JDK version is the latest version

By Filename

In this example we assume that the user knows the name of the file, that was previously downloaded. It is possible to check if the Liberica JDK release is the latest in feature release, or latest LTS release, or simply the latest.

JSON response example:

  "bitness": 64,
  "buildVersion": 11,
  "latestLTS": true,
  "os": "windows",
  "updateVersion": 5,
  "downloadUrl": "https://github.com/bell-sw/Liberica/releases/download/11.0.5+11/bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip",
  "interimVersion": 0,
  "EOL": false,
  "latestInFeatureVersion": true,
  "LTS": true,
  "bundleType": "jdk",
  "version": "11.0.5+11",
  "featureVersion": 11,
  "packageType": "zip",
  "sha1": "9956658bdc98f844bacbf451b8e8f0622544b539",
  "FX": true,
  "filename": "bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip",
  "installationType": "archive",
  "size": 265347010,
  "patchVersion": 0,
  "GA": true,
  "architecture": "x86",
  "latest": false

Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases/bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases/bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip

By Version

In this example, we assume that the user knows the version string of Liberica JDK release that was previously downloaded. It is possible to check the flags similar to the previous example.

JSON response example:

    "bitness": 64,
    "buildVersion": 11,
    "latestLTS": true,
    "os": "windows",
    "updateVersion": 5,
    "downloadUrl": "https://github.com/bell-sw/Liberica/releases/download/11.0.5+11/bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip",
    "interimVersion": 0,
    "EOL": false,
    "latestInFeatureVersion": true,
    "LTS": true,
    "bundleType": "jdk",
    "version": "11.0.5+11",
    "featureVersion": 11,
    "packageType": "zip",
    "sha1": "9956658bdc98f844bacbf451b8e8f0622544b539",
    "FX": true,
    "filename": "bellsoft-jdk11.0.5+11-windows-amd64.zip",
    "installationType": "archive",
    "size": 265347010,
    "patchVersion": 0,
    "GA": true,
    "architecture": "x86",
    "latest": false

Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version=11.0.5+11&bitness=64&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version=11.0.5+11&bitness=64&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk

This example shows how to discover a link for downloading without parsing JSON.

Response example:


Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version=11.0.5%2B11&bitness=64&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk&output=text&fields=downloadUrl

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/liberica/releases?version=11.0.5%2B11&bitness=64&os=windows&arch=x86&package-type=zip&bundle-type=jdk&output=text&fields=downloadUrl

Discover the list of the Liberica NIK components

Liberica Native Image Kit contains several sets of base components, where each includes different nested components (embedded or installable). These sets differ by versions, operating systems, and processor architectures.

The base component is a nik component.

Any other components are nested components.

Some of them — liberica, nodejs — are embedded components.

The rest — llvm, ni, python, r, ruby, wasm — are installable (i.e. not embedded) components.

JSON response example (alphabetical order):

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/components"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/components"

Discover the list of the Liberica NIK bundle types

Liberica Native Image Kit contains several bundle types.

JSON response example (alphabetical order):

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/bundle-types"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/bundle-types"

Discover the general Liberica NIK component set

Since the result JSON response, presented as the JSON array, is massive for the general URL, the only item returned is the first one (the first base NIK component with all its nested NIK components).

JSON response example:

    "bitness": 64,
    "extraVersion": 2,
    "EOL": false,
    "latestLTS": true,
    "os": "macos",
    "latestInAnnualVersion": true,
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
    "LTS": true,
    "packageType": "zip",
    "featureVersion": 0,
    "version": "",
    "releaseCatalogUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/release-catalog-java11.properties",
    "sha1": "49948207b6d414ec09cfa069ccfb920cac4af436",
    "component": "nik",
    "filename": "bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk11-",
    "annualVersion": 21,
    "installationType": "archive",
    "size": 459490970,
    "patchVersion": 0,
    "GA": true,
    "architecture": "x86",
    "latest": true,
    "components": [
        "embedded": true,
        "component": "liberica"
        "embedded": true,
        "component": "nodejs"
        "sha1": "3f65fd40fea70b32b240d7f319151aa87dd6af07",
        "component": "llvm",
        "filename": "llvm-toolchain-installable-openjdk11-",
        "size": 113000219,
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
        "packageType": "jar",
        "embedded": false
        "sha1": "52419f5ef3739f3fc3902acda4551f3645fc223f",
        "component": "python",
        "filename": "python-installable-openjdk11-",
        "size": 429456984,
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
        "packageType": "jar",
        "embedded": false
        "sha1": "72ac9dc0ef5106179bbbc2a57ecb90527370217c",
        "component": "ni",
        "filename": "native-image-installable-openjdk11-",
        "size": 40061425,
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
        "packageType": "jar",
        "embedded": false
        "sha1": "59942ef3030187f75cb928ab89fd8a984cc0baf4",
        "component": "ruby",
        "filename": "ruby-installable-openjdk11-",
        "size": 51743490,
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
        "packageType": "jar",
        "embedded": false
        "sha1": "69172d29b1c84436ca5ffc2806e85d8795b2de1a",
        "component": "r",
        "filename": "r-installable-openjdk11-",
        "size": 355164665,
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
        "packageType": "jar",
        "embedded": false
        "sha1": "ab43f0e1b6dc67e364fe03cb53db6ac4ec27cdaf",
        "component": "wasm",
        "filename": "wasm-installable-openjdk11-",
        "size": 33091667,
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
        "packageType": "jar",
        "embedded": false
curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases"

Discover the general Liberica NIK component set with selected fields

In this example, the fields=component,downloadUrl,components request parameter is used so that the JSON response includes just the set of the mentioned fields. The fields request parameter does not filter the components included in the result JSON response but only defines which properties of the components will appear in the JSON response.

Important note: The fields request parameter has to include the components value if you want the nested NIK components to be included in the result JSON response. Otherwise, the JSON response will contain only the base NIK components.

The nested NIK component liberica is embedded and thus has no downloadUrl field.

The arch=x86 request filter (request parameter) is applied to the URL to limit the JSON response length.

JSON response example:

    "components": [
        "component": "liberica"
        "component": "ni",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "r",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "wasm",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "llvm",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "liberica"
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "r",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "wasm",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "llvm",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "ni",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "liberica"
        "component": "llvm",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "ni",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "r",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "wasm",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?fields=component,downloadUrl,components&arch=x86"

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?fields=component,downloadUrl,components&arch=x86"

If the components value is not included into the fields request parameter, the JSON response will return no installable or embedded NIK components because the components property of each base NIK component will be ignored.

Important note: The JSON response is not filtered by any request parameters and thus includes the base NIK components and a special additional one: src.tar.gz. This src.tar.gz NIK component is neither base nor installable/embedded. In this sense, we can say it is an unknown NIK component since it has no component property.

JSON response example:

    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?fields=component,downloadUrl"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?fields=component,downloadUrl"

Discover src.tar.gz Liberica NIK component set

It is recommended to use the package-type=src.tar.gz request parameter to receive the required set of the src.tar.gz NIK components.


JSON response example:

    "sha1": "e0445658667c59d214d7f8893715bd9c8d3ce1e7",
    "filename": "bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk11-",
    "size": 275662456,
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/",
    "packageType": "src.tar.gz"

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?package-type=src.tar.gz&version="
curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?package-type=src.tar.gz&version-modifier=latest"

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?package-type=src.tar.gz&version="
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?package-type=src.tar.gz&version-modifier=latest"

Discover the base Liberica NIK component set

In this example, we use the components=nik request parameter to have only the base NIK components in the JSON response.

Important note: The fields request parameter includes the components value (see URL below). The components property arrays are also shown. However, all these arrays of the nested NIK components are empty because the used components=nik request filter rejects any nested NIK component. Thus, no nested NIK components are included in the JSON response.

If the fields request parameter does not include the components value, the JSON response will not show any appropriate components property array at all. URL: https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik&fields=component,downloadUrl,components

JSON response example:

    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik&fields=component,downloadUrl,components"

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik&fields=component,downloadUrl,components"

Discover the base and nested Liberica NIK component sets together

In this example, we use the components=nik,ruby,python request parameter to have the base NIK component together with some of its nested NIK components in the JSON response. If any base NIK component does not contain the mentioned nested NIK components, its components property shows in the JSON response as an empty array.

Important note: If the components request parameter includes any nested NIK component, the fields request parameter will include the components value implicitly as its last value. Please, compare the two URLs below: they both will return the same result.

JSON response example:

    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [],
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "component": "nik",
    "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl"
curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components"

Powershell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components"

Discover the base Liberica NIK component set that contains the nested component with the required version only

In this example, we use the




request parameters to have only the base NIK components that contain the nested liberica NIK component with the required version in the JSON response.

The required nested NIK component and its version have to be defined as the value of the component-version request parameter in the following format (consisting of two parts with @ as a delimiter character): nested-component@nested-component-version

The base NIK component will be included in the result JSON response if:

  • it contains the mentioned nested NIK component (the exact comparison is used)

  • the value of the version property of this nested NIK component starts with the nested-component-version substring defined as the second part of the value in the component-version request parameter

It means that all the following expressions are correct and can be used if necessary:


Note: The URLs below contain several additional request parameters (components, fields, bundle-type, os) just to minimize the JSON response length. The nested liberica NIK component is used in this example and all of the above applies to the other nested NIK components: nodejs, python, etc.

JSON response example:

    "components": [
        "component": "liberica",
        "version": "11.0.10+9"
    "component": "nik",
    "filename": "bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk11-",
    "version": ""

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?component-version=liberica@11.0.10+9&components=nik,liberica&fields=component,filename,version,components&bundle-type=standard&os=macos"

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?component-version=liberica@11.0.10+9&components=nik,liberica&fields=component,filename,version,components&bundle-type=standard&os=macos"

JSON response example:

    "components": [
        "component": "liberica",
        "version": "11.0.11+9"
    "component": "nik",
    "filename": "bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk11-21.1.0-macos-amd64.dmg",
    "version": "21.1.0"
    "components": [
        "component": "liberica",
        "version": "11.0.11+9"
    "component": "nik",
    "filename": "bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk11-21.1.0-macos-amd64.pkg",
    "version": "21.1.0"
    "components": [
        "component": "liberica",
        "version": "11.0.11+9"
    "component": "nik",
    "filename": "bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk11-21.1.0-macos-amd64.zip",
    "version": "21.1.0"

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?component-version=liberica@11.0.11+9&components=nik,liberica&fields=component,filename,version,components&bundle-type=standard&os=macos"

Powershell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?component-version=liberica@11.0.11+9&components=nik,liberica&fields=component,filename,version,components&bundle-type=standard&os=macos"

Discover the nested Liberica NIK component set only

In this example, we use the components=ruby,python request parameter to have only the nested NIK components in the JSON response. In this case, no property of the parent base NIK components will be included in the JSON response, except for the components property array. And if certain base NIK components do not contain the aforementioned nested NIK components, these base NIK components will certainly be excluded from the JSON response.

Important note: If the components request parameter includes any nested NIK component, the fields request parameter will include the components value implicitly as its last value.

Please, compare the two URLs below: they both will return the same result.

JSON response example:

    "components": [
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
    "components": [
        "component": "python",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"
        "component": "ruby",
        "downloadUrl": "https://download.bell-sw.com/vm/"

Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl"
curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components"

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components"

Discover the base and nested Liberica NIK component sets together - getting a text mode response

In this example, we use the components=nik,ruby,python request parameter to have the base NIK component together with some of its nested NIK components in the text response.

The JSON response is converted into the text response by applying the following rules to this JSON:

  • all items in the text response are separated by a comma

  • the order of items in the text response corresponds to the order of values in the fields request parameter

  • for each NIK component

    • no NIK component property names are printed, only NIK component property values

    • the only NIK component property values printed are those whose property names are mentioned in the fields request parameter

    • if the NIK component does not have the appropriate property, the value of this property will be replaced by empty string

  • if the components property of the base NIK component is an empty array (i.e. this base NIK component has no nested NIK components), this empty array will be replaced by the sequence of empty strings equal to the number of property names in the fields request parameter (of course, except for the components property name itself)

  • if the base NIK component has no nested NIK components, it will be displayed in the text response as a single line

  • if the base NIK component contains the nested NIK components (i.e. the components property of this base NIK component is a non-empty array), it will be presented in the text response as several lines, equal to the number of the nested NIK components

Important note: If the components request parameter includes any nested NIK component, the fields request parameter will include the components value implicitly as its last value. Please, compare the two URLs below: they both will return the same result. URL: https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl&output=text https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components&output=text

Text response example:


Bash example:

curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl&output=text"
curl "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components&output=text"

PowerShell example:

Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl&output=text"
Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=nik,ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components&output=text"

See how the text response will differ with the following changes made to the fields request parameter: the components value is explicitly defined and the first value.

Text response example:


Discover the nested Liberica NIK component set only - getting a text mode response

In this example, we use the components=ruby,python request parameter to have only the nested NIK components in the text response.

In this case, no property of the parent base NIK components will be included in the text response, except for the components property array. And if certain base NIK components do not contain the aforementioned nested NIK components, these base NIK components will certainly be excluded from the text response.

The JSON response is converted into the text response by applying the following rules to this JSON:

  • all items in the text response are separated by a comma

  • the order of items in the text response corresponds to the order of values in the fields request parameter

    • for each NIK component

    • no NIK component property names are printed, only NIK component property values

    • the only NIK component property values printed are those whose property names are mentioned in the fields request parameter

    • if the NIK component does not have the appropriate property, the value of this property will be replaced by empty string

  • if the components property of the base NIK component is an empty array (i.e. this base NIK component has no nested NIK components), this empty array will be replaced by the sequence of empty strings equal to the number of property names in the fields request parameter (of course, except for the components property name itself)

  • if the base NIK component has no nested NIK components, it will be displayed in the text response as a single line

  • if the base NIK component contains the nested NIK components (i.e. the components property of this base NIK component is a non-empty array), it will be presented in the text response as several lines, equal to the number of the nested NIK components

Important note: If the components request parameter includes any nested NIK component, the fields request parameter will include the components value implicitly as its last value.

Please, compare the two URLs below: they both will return the same result.

Text response example:


Bash example:

curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl&output=text
curl https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components&output=text
Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl&output=text
Invoke-RestMethod https://api.bell-sw.com/v1/nik/releases?components=ruby,python&fields=component,downloadUrl,components&output=text