Microsoft Windows

Installing with Microsoft Windows Installer package

Some users running on Windows may encounter Windows Defender SmartScreen popup during installation of Liberica JDK:

This is caused by a new certificate used by BellSoft to sign the binaries. While we are working with Microsoft to resolve the issue, end users may ignore this message and click Run Anyway.

Open the Download: Liberica JDK in your browser. Find a distribution variant that is more suitable for your needs and click the link “Download MSI” corresponding to your version of Microsoft Windows. After download is finished, verify the file by comparing its size on your drive and on the downloads page. A more advanced approach is to verify the checksum in PowerShell:

(Get-FileHash .\bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-windows-amd64.msi -Algorithm SHA1).Hash

The checksum should match the one which can be found under the link on the downloads page.

In order to run the installer double click on the file you downloaded, this will open the Liberica JDK Setup Wizard.

Figure 1. Welcome

Press ‘Next’ on the welcome screen.

Figure 2. Features

Choose features you need and press ‘Next’. Select a feature to see the description. If in doubt, skip this step and press ‘Next’.

Figure 3. Install

The package is ready to install, press ‘Install’.

  • Please note that the installer screens above may vary for different releases.

If you want to install Liberica JDK silently, open the command line and run the following command:

msiexec /quiet /i bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-windows-amd64.msi

Installing standalone package on Microsoft Windows

To install Liberica JDK download the .zip package and unpack it.

If you do not want to or cannot do it via GUI, then you can use PowerShell:

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "")
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath .

This will unpack Liberica JDK to the current directory. Either add bin subdirectory to $PATH, or remember this directory as $LIBERICA_DIR environment variable and run Liberica JDK as

$LIBERICA_DIR/bin/java -jar $your_app

To uninstall Liberica JDK, simply remove this directory and unset related environmental variables.

Apple MacOS

Installing on Apple MacOS

Open the Download: Liberica JDK in your browser. Find a distribution variant that is more suitable for your needs and click the link “Download DMG”. After it is finished, verify the file by comparing its size on your drive and on the downloads page. More advanced approach is to verify the checksum in the command line:

shasum -a 1 bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-macos-amd64.dmg

The checksum should match the one which can be found under the link on the downloads page.

In order to run the installer double-click on the file you downloaded.

Figure 4. DMG content

Double-click on pkg icon to open the Install Liberica JDK Wizard.

Figure 5. Welcome screen

Click Continue.

Figure 6. Installation Type screen

Optionally, you can change the install location. Click Change Install Location button for that. Or, click Install to proceed with the default location.

Figure 7. Choose Install Location screen

If you’ve chosen to change the install location, select the destination drive and click Continue.

Figure 8. Security Warning screen

Approve new software installation. The file copying starts immediately.

Figure 9. Install in Progress screen

Observe the installation progress.

Figure 10. Installation Success screen

Click Close to dismiss the installation wizard.

How to uninstall Liberica

To uninstall Liberica JRE run the following commands in the terminal:

sudo pkgutil --volume / --forget com.bell-sw.liberica.jre.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-jre-

To uninstall Liberica JDK:

sudo pkgutil --volume / --forget com.bell-sw.liberica.jdk.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-jdk-

The both snippets assume that you have installed Liberica on the default, boot volume (/).

Installing standalone package on MacOS

To install Liberica JDK download the .zip package and unpack it.


This will unpack Liberica JDK to the current directory. Either add bin subdirectory to $PATH, or remember this directory as $LIBERICA_DIR environment variable and run Liberica JDK as

$LIBERICA_DIR/bin/java -jar $your_app

To uninstall Liberica JDK, simply remove this directory and unset related environmental variables.


APT Repository (.deb-based Linux distributions)

Add BellSoft official GPG key and setup the repository

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bellsoft.list

Liberica JDK repositories contain all Linux architectures supported in the release: amd64, i386, arm64, armhf. If amd64 is not the target architecture, replace it in the command above with the architecture of choice.

Update repositories and install packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bellsoft-java17

The following packages are available:

  • bellsoft-java17 contains the full Liberica JDK, including JavaFX and a variety of JVMs for platforms which support it.

  • bellsoft-java17-lite includes Liberica JDK with compressed modules and Server VM, without any extra packages.

  • bellsoft-java17-full contains the full Liberica JDK, including JavaFX and a variety of JVMs for platforms which support it.

  • bellsoft-java17-runtime includes Liberica JRE with JavaFX.

YUM Repository (.rpm-based Linux Distributions)

Set up the repository

echo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bellsoft.repo > /dev/null << EOF
name=BellSoft Repository

Liberica JDK repositories contain all Linux architectures supported in the release.

Update repositories and install packages

sudo yum update
sudo yum install bellsoft-java17

The following packages are available:

  • bellsoft-java17 contains contains the the optimal build for most desktops/servers.

  • bellsoft-java17-lite includes Liberica JDK with compressed modules and Server VM, without any extra packages.

  • bellsoft-java17-full contains the full Liberica JDK, including JavaFX and a variety of JVMs for platforms which support it.

  • bellsoft-java17-runtime includes Liberica JRE only.

YaST/Zypper Repository (SUSE Linux)

Set up the repository

echo | sudo tee /etc/zypp/repos.d/repo-bellsoft.repo > /dev/null << EOF
name=BellSoft Repository

Update repositories and install packages

sudo zypper up
sudo zypper in bellsoft-java17

The following packages are available:

  • bellsoft-java17 contains the the optimal build for most desktops/servers.

  • bellsoft-java17-lite includes Liberica JDK with compressed modules and Server VM, without any extra packages.

  • bellsoft-java17-full contains the full Liberica JDK, including JavaFX and a variety of JVMs for platforms which support it.

  • bellsoft-java17-runtime includes Liberica JRE only.

Alpine Linux Repository

Setup the repository

echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/apk/repositories
sudo wget -P /etc/apk/keys/[email protected]

Install packages

apk add bellsoft-java17

The following packages are available:

  • bellsoft-java17 contains the optimal build for most desktops/servers.

  • bellsoft-java17-lite includes Liberica JDK with compressed modules and Server VM, without any extra packages.

  • bellsoft-java17-runtime includes Liberica JRE only.

Installing using manual RPM installation

Obtain BellSoft official GPG key and then import it

wget -q -O -
sudo rpm --import GPG-KEY-bellsoft

Download a package and install it

sudo rpm --install bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-linux-amd64.rpm

Installing on Ubuntu and other DEB-based OSes

To install Liberica JDK download the .deb package and run apt tool:

sudo apt install ./bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-linux-amd64.deb

This will install bellsoft-java17 JDK package.

To use Liberica JRE, simply run

java -jar $your_app

To uninstall Liberica JDK, run the following command:

sudo apt remove bellsoft-java17

Installing on Red Hat Linux and other RPM-based OSes

To install Liberica JDK download the .rpm package and run rpm tool:

sudo yum install ./bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-linux-amd64.rpm

This will install bellsoft-java17 JDK package.

To use Liberica JRE, simply run

java -jar $your_app

To uninstall Liberica JDK, run the following command:

sudo yum remove bellsoft-java17

Installing on Alpine Linux

To install Liberica JDK download the .apk package and run apk tool:

sudo apk add --allow-untrusted ./bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-linux-x64-musl.apk

To uninstall Liberica JDK, run the following command:

sudo apk del bellsoft-java17

Installing standalone JDK package on GNU/Linux

To install Liberica JDK download the .tar.gz package and unpack it.

tar -zxvf bellsoft-jdk17.0.4.1+1-linux-amd64.tar.gz

This will unpack Liberica JDK to the current directory. Either add bin subdirectory to $PATH, or remember this directory as $LIBERICA_DIR environment variable and run Liberica JDK as

$LIBERICA_DIR/bin/java -jar $your_app

To uninstall Liberica JDK, simply remove this directory and unset related environmental variables.

Liberica Distribution Variants

There are 3 distribution variants:

  • Regular — can be used to run, compile and debug applications or create your own Java Runtime with a subset of Java modules;

  • Full — includes LibericaFX and Minimal VM, where suitable;

  • Lite — if you’re looking for smaller footprint, yet fully functional JDK.